Allen Becker - Consulting Meteorologist

Wind Energy Consulting

Three decades of professional experience in wind energy meteorology:
Field study of winds in California:  Operated and maintained weather instruments, coordinated observations; performed statistical analyses (1984-85).

Wind energy resource assessments, wind turbine micrositing (United States, Italy, Mexico, Nicaragua, and Honduras), database management, meteorological tower data analysis, power performance testing, with Windots, LLC and V-Bar, LLC (1996-2012). 

Independent wind resource assessment and consulting (2013-2014). 

In 2013, I helped form Ensemble Wind, a group of highly-experienced meteorologists.  Each of the group members has 30 years of experience in the wind industry.


* Applications of a diagnostic wind model to stratus forecasting for aircraft operations in the San Francisco Bay region.  Preprints, Seventh Conf. on Aviation Weather Systems, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J29-J32, 1997. With F. Ludwig, D. Sinton, and W. Strach.

An on-line diagnostic wind model applied to the San Francisco Bay region. Preprints, 13th Int. Conf. on Interactive Information and Processing Systems (IIIPS) for Meteorology, Oceanography, and Hydrology, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc., J25-J27, 1997. With R. T. Cheng, J. Feinstein, F. Ludwig, and D. M. Sinton.

Evaluation of the WOCSS Wind Analysis Scheme for the San Francisco Bay Area, Journal of Applied Meteorology, October 1994. With A. Bridger, F. Ludwig, and R. Endlich.

User’s Manual for Realtime Mesoscale Analysis and Display System. Report to National Weather Service, 1994. With F. Ludwig and D. Sinton.

Meteorological Analyses for the Richmond Toxic Cloud Release of 26 July 1993. Report to Litigation Committee and Walt Dabberdt Associates, 1994. With F. Ludwig and R. Endlich.

Performance of the "Winds on Critical Streamline Surfaces (WOCSS) Model" in simulating San Francisco Bay Area wind flows.  Report to Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 1989. With A. Bridger.


  Impacts of Sonic Anemometry on Using ASOS Stations as Long-Term Reference Sites. 
2008 American Wind Energy Association's Wind Resource Assessment Conference, Portland, OR.